Race Abilities

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Race abilities, unlike normal abilities, can only be gained by choosing a specific race. Use this as a reference for deciding which race you'd like most.


Fire Breath (Half-Dragon)

Flame ducts in your mouth give you breath like a blast furnace, when you wish it.

Stone Body (Troll)

You are made of the earth itself, rock and granite.

Transform Race (Shifter)

Your morphic field is unstable, allowing you to take the shape of any race, gaining any physical abilities and disabilities of that race, at the cost of your own racial physical Abilities and Disabilities. Note that any physical disabilities that were chosen at character creation will remain, and that mind and soul abilities are unaffected by the change.

Winged (Tiefling, Half-Angel, Half-Dragon)

Wings sprout from your back, giving you the gift of flight.


Clockwork Body (Clockwork Mechanations)

You run by clockwork, made of metal and gears. As a result, you are very heavy, near a ton and a half. Being clockwork, you are rewound by your own movements, but prolonged inactivity weakens you.

Hunted (Vampire, Werewolf)

You try and keep a low profile, as your race are rarely welcomed. If you are discovered publicly for what your true species is, you will raise an alarm and those who are willing will attempt to end your life.

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