The Kitchen

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As you exit the lower corridor, you enter a huge room that is lined with all manner of food preperation and storrage equipment. There are many ovens, preperation tables, magical refrigerators (as muggle ones wouldn't work with so much interference from the magical field surrounding Hogwarts), and shelves and cabinets filled with utensils and food preperation equipment.

The Kitchen is dominated by five long wooden tables, exactly like the tables overhead in the Great Hall. House elves in smart looking togas (bearing the seal of Hogwarts) dart about preparing food and placing it on the plates, platters, bowls and sundry other peices of food containing equipment on the tables where it is teleported to the counterpart plates, platters, bowls, and sundry other peices of food containing equipment on the tables above.

A house elf approaches you asks if you are hungry or thirsty. He then scurries off and gets whatever you requested, in more number than you probably needed, and served on a huge platter that many of the house elf's friends help to carry

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