The Headmaster's Office

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After riding the escalator up to a platform, you are met by a door, large, carved of English Oak. You rap on the door lightly, a warm and cheerful voice beckons you in

You push the door open and are met with a large room. A bookcase covers the far wall, except for a small space for a cast iron circular stair to the next level of the room. Glass and brass shelves line the walls on either side of the room while pictures of all the past Head Masters and Head Mistriss's line the walls above them. Set in the walls on either side of you and the door are large fire places with warm cozy fires in them, and small trinkets on their mantel peices. The shelves elsewhare also bear various bits of old, yet well kept trinkets and artifacts, in a cupboard behind the large mahogony desk is Dumbledore's pensieve. There are end tables on eitherside of the desk with more books and trinkets. Infront of the desk is a large couch and behind it a short backed, overstuffed leather chair that could pass for a small loveseat sits with Dumbledore in it.

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