Marvin Turns To The Dark Side (CAC Edition)

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Chapter Six

The third Doctor grabbed the tenth and put him down on the grass next to Bessie. Rose and Jo leapt out, wondering what had happened. What had happened was that the second the bullet hit the tenth Doctor, time slowed down and so the third Doctor was able to move the tenth Doctor in what would have been nanoseconds which is why Rose and Jo were so unaware that the Doctor had been shot. It wasn’t just Rose and Jo either all the troops, the Brigadier, Sergeant Benton and Mike Yates were all affected as well.
The tenth Doctor started bleeding heavily from his chest. The third Doctor put his hand over it, gently applying pressure. If the third Doctor was treating a human he would have put on gloves but he was treating himself and it the Doctor has the same blood type in all his incarnations. The Brigadier and Sergeant Benton leapt out of the jeep and ran to stand next to Rose and Jo.
“What’s going on Doctor?” asked the Brigadier.
“He’s been shot.” stated the third Doctor.
Rose’s mouth dropped open. This was really weird, they had constantly thought each other were dead and on a daily basis had guns poked at them but never had either one of them actually been shot with a gun.
“Will he be OK?” asked Jo.
“I’m not sure.” answered the third Doctor. He looked at the Brigadier, “Get me a bloody first aid kit man!!!”
The tenth Doctor groaned. His eyes flickered slightly. He opened his mouth, and coughed up some blood. He gave his third incarnation a pleading look.
“What?” said the tenth Doctor before coughing up some more blood.
“You’ve been shot.” repeated the third Doctor, hand firm on the tenth Doctor’s wound.
The Brigadier ran off to grab a first aid kit from the back of the jeep. The tenth Doctor started to look faint again. The third Doctor reacted quickly to this. He, like Amy did in the first chapter, rested the Doctor’s head and neck on his knees, with his hand still on the gunshot wound.
The Brigadier arrived with the first aid kit. He gave it to Jo.
“Jo can you get out a bandage for me?” asked the third Doctor to Jo.
Jo nodded, “Do you just want the sterile pad bit?”
The third Doctor nodded. Jo unwrapped the bandage so only the sterile pad was on show, she gave it to the third Doctor. He took his hand off and put the bandage on the wound.
“Get an ambulance. Tell them that we’ve got a conscious casualty but they have deteriorating levels of consciousness and they have a gunshot wound to the right… chest and is suffering from shock through severe bleeding.” said the third Doctor to Rose.
Rose pulled out her mobile and typed in 999.
A woman picked up the phone on the other end of the line, “Hello, which service would you like?”
“Um… ambulance please.” said Rose.
“Where are you? What happened?”
“My friend has got a ‘gunshot’ wound to his right chest and it’s bleeding severely. He’s conscious but has ‘deteriorating levels of consciousness and is going into shock. I’m here with…um… U.N.I.T and we’re outside the abandoned warehouse near the outskirts of London.”
“OK, I’m gonna put you through to my superiors.” said the woman.
Rose heard the phone being passed. A male voice boomed down the phone, “Can I speak to Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart?”
Rose passed the phone to the ‘Brigadier’ and knelt down next to the Doctor. His hand grabbed her’s, she watched as blood trickled through the bandage.
She pointed this out to the third Doctor, “He’s bleeding through the pad.”
The third Doctor looked very worried. Jo took out another and put it on the tenth Doctor’s wound. The Brigadier gave Rose her mobile back.
“They’re sending in an alien specialist. The guy is coming in the ambulance.” said the Brigadier to the third Doctor. He then turned to Rose, “What sort of phone is that?”
“It’s from the future. Not very far, mind you.” she answered tucking the phone away in her pocket.
Sergeant Benton stood next to the Brigadier, “How is he?”
“Ask the Doctor.” said the Brigadier.
“Doctor? How is he?” asked Sergeant Benton anxiously, no one actually knew this Doctor well but they all had the same respect for him as they did for the third Doctor.
“Not very well I’m afraid. His right heart got hit by the bullet and so did his lung so he’s not going to last for very much longer. His, I should say our really, right heart is the strongest so whoever shot him must know him.” said the third Doctor.
The tenth Doctor nearly to the point of tears. The bullet felt like a thousand needles prodding his right heart. It hurt like hell. Sweat was pouring down his face, he was heaving for oxygen despite the fact that Time Lords don’t normally need a lot anyway. He was bleeding heavily and even with his more advanced blood platelets it didn’t make a lot of difference. The scabs on his head were rough. He began to get a headache and tried to explain this but the words didn’t come out.

Mike Yates was watching out for the ambulance. Suddenly he heard a loud siren. He ran as fast as he could back to the Brigadier.

Mike Yates was heaving words to the Brigadier that were only just understandable, “Ambulance... is ... coming.”
The tenth Doctor looked slightly less worried and his muscles seemed to relax. The third Doctor held the pads firmly on the tenth Doctor’s chest.
Rose was relieved when the ambulance arrived. A tall man wearing a suit and a odd badge Rose didn’t recognise walked out. He walked up to the tenth Doctor.
He asked the third, “I’m the alien expert. I need some information, tell me everything you know. By the way my name’s Bob, Bob Hurley.”
“Nice to meet you Bob.” said the third Doctor, “Well have you ever heard of Time Lords?”
“Yes! They happen to be my speciality!” said Bob a little too quickly.
While Bob and the third Doctor decided how to treat the barely conscious tenth Doctor, the two paramedics came out with the white transport bed. They asked Jo and Rose to back off slightly, they obeyed reluctantly. The paramedics worked fast and efficiently and it was five minutes later that the tenth Doctor was on the bed in the ambulance.
They managed to fit quite a few people into the ambulance: Jo, Rose, both Doctors, Bob Hurley and the Brigadier. The tenth Doctor’s bed was elevated, so his head and chest were above the rest of his body. The bleeding had slowed down but the tenth Doctor had lost about a pint of blood so, understandably, was feeling very nauseous and tired. He had started breathing very slowly and heavily taking one big breath in about every 10 seconds. All the strain was on his left heart, his weakest heart, to keep him alive.
Rose held the tenth Doctor’s hand. The Brigadier sat next to her and he asked her, “How long have you known him?”
Rose was disconcerted by the question, “Ages. Feels like years.”

Meanwhile the third Doctor and Bob were discussing treatment:
“You need to get the bullet out before you do anything!” said the third Doctor.
“But his left heart might not be able to keep up long enough for us to get it out!” said Bob, “And then we have the problem of his lung.”
The third Doctor gave up and just sat there scowling for the rest of the journey and would occasionally call Bob a smartass. And nobody likes a smartass.

On arrival of the hospital Rose, Jo and the Brigadier sat in the reception while the third Doctor and Bob went to the operating theatre to operate on the tenth Doctor. They sat drinking tea exchanging tales of when the Doctor had been generally ignorant of them. Before they went to operate on the tenth Doctor, the tenth Doctor had repeatedly told everyone how much he hated hospitals. The three of them were biting their nails nervously.
About two hours later Bob and the third Doctor walked out, they both looked relieved to get out of there.
“Well?” asked the Brigadier, he didn’t really worry about any of the Doctors because they always turned out fine, or regenerated. To be honest he preferred it when they didn’t regenerate for reasons of his own.
“He’s in the recovery room, he’s gonna be fine!” said the third Doctor happily.
Rose was ecstatic with joy and ran into the recovery room. Everyone followed her. They looked around the room and saw the Doctor (tenth) lying on a hospital bed in the far right corner. Rose ran over to him.
He was unconscious because of the drugs that were used; they have to be exceptionally strong to knock a Time Lord/Lady unconscious because they have a very strong immunity to most drugs. Rose smiled at him, he was going to be OK. He was in his normal clothing, but there was still a huge blood stain on his shirt.
Suddenly there was a flash. The Brigadier recognised the flash immediately, “Journalists! Just what we need! I’ll go and get rid of them.”
The Brigadier ran out of the door, the shouts and flashes from the journalists and photographers beamed in through the ajar doors. Jo turned to the third Doctor.
“So you’ve just saved your own life?” asked Jo.
The third Doctor thought to himself for a bit, “You could say that.”
Bob smiled to himself, what sort of smile it was seemed unidentifiable.
The tenth Doctor stirred slightly, then his eyes shot open. He licked his cracked lips. His eyesight returned a damn bit slower than it normally did, which annoyed him.
He slowly sat up, “Ouch,”
“What?” asked Rose, concerned.
“I think I’ve pulled a muscle.” he pulled himself so he was sitting up properly, “Yep, definitely pulled a muscle.”
The tenth Doctor turned to the third Doctor and Bob, “Thank you. I have a pretty good idea how you did it but I’ll pretend I don’t: I have no idea how you did it.”
The third Doctor smiled at him, “I see my sense of humour improves.”
“Certainly does, I guess it was all that sarcasm...” said the tenth Doctor to himself.

Outside the room, the Brigadier was dealing with a bunch of very annoying journalists.
“Is it true you have an alien in there?” asked one.
“No! Look this is military business so you’d all do well to go away before I call security.” shouted the Brigadier.
“Aren’t you the security though?” asked another.
“I don’t care! Go away!!” he shouted at them.
They carried on shouting at him so he walked back into the recovery room. He sighing very loudly as he closed the door behind him.
“Hello!” shouted the tenth Doctor to the Brigadier, “I’m alright now! I didn’t have to regenerate or anything!”
Suddenly there was a blue flash and where the flash was: Marvin.
The tenth Doctor sighed very loudly, “I’m getting sick of this.”
“So am I. Can’t you just drop dead? It would save me a lot of trouble.” said Marvin.
The tenth Doctor got out of the bed. He stumbled slightly but was helped up by his third self. Both Doctors stood in front of Marvin. The Brigadier ran over to Jo, Rose and Bob.
“What in heaven’s name is going on?” asked the Brigadier harshly.
Only Rose was able to reply to him out of the three of them, “Marvin is an evil robot genius and he is on a vendetta. He wants the Doctor dead.”
“Anyway!” shouted Marvin so everyone could hear, “Computer come over here.”
Bob walked over next to Marvin. The third Doctor raised an eyebrow, so did the tenth they were both about to ask the same question.
“Bob? Computer?” they asked, perfectly synchronised, “Why do you always have to overcomplicate things?”
“It’s my nature. Now Doctor... the tenth one... you are going to come with me quietly.” said Marvin evilly.
“Or?” asked Rose for the tenth Doctor.
“Or Bob here will go out there and activate the bomb that will blow up everyone in reception. And that is just over fifty people, excluding the staff.” hissed Marvin.
The tenth Doctor thought for a second, he consulted the others. The third Doctor agreed with the Brigadier, wherever it was that Marvin was going to take the tenth Doctor couldn’t be very dangerous and it would be a lot better than losing fifty innocent lives.
The tenth Doctor whispered to Rose quietly, “Here, take the sonic screwdriver. I’ve told the third where you come from so he’ll take you back if needs must. If I’m not back in three hours assume I’m dead or regenerated.”
Rose tried to complain but he simply shoved the sonic screwdriver into her hand.
The tenth Doctor turned to Marvin, “OK, I’ll come. But may I just warn you: I’ll be sulking like a five year old child.”
Marvin laughed and then teleported the three of them out.

They arrived in a dark gloomy room. It was a very medieval room, so the Doctor assumed it was a castle or fortress of some description. It had the occasional rat wander across the room from one side to the other. The Doctor looked up at Marvin.
Marvin stated, “Bob can activate the bomb remotely as well so don’t try any funny stuff.”
“I won’t.” beamed the Doctor casually.
“Yes you will.” argued Bob/Computer.
“You stay out of this!” said Marvin and the Doctor at the same time.
Bob/Computer backed off into one of the far corners of the room.
Marvin said, “I suspect you know sword fighting. After all I’ve seen you fight so many times, I know your every move.”
“Whatever.” said the Doctor.
Marvin grabbed a sword, and chucked another to the Doctor.
“Ready?” asked Marvin.
“Steady?” asked the Doctor.
“Hahaha. Very funny.” said Marvin sarcastically.
Marvin ran forward with the sword, surprisingly swift and fast for a robot. The Doctor leapt out of the way. Marvin aimed for the Doctor’s chest and the Doctor parried. Marvin put more pressure on the Doctor’s blade. The Doctor’s blade snapped.
The Doctor gave his broken blade an angry look, “Honestly! Why did I use the flat of the blade to parry?”
Marvin leapt forward with the blade. The Doctor leapt back but lost his balance and hit the floor. Marvin lowered the sword over the Doctor’s chest, the Doctor rolled out of the way. The Doctor looked around the room in an attempt to find something to defend with other than his broken sword. He saw a shield, ran and grabbed it. Marvin’s sword went straight through the very weak metal of the shield and just barely missed the Doctor’s chest.
Suddenly there was an ancient wheezing groaning sound. A blue box began to fade into existence. The Doctor ran into it dropping the shield as he did. Marvin got out a small gun and fired it at the Doctor’s leg. A small, practically invisible red homing device was implanted on the Doctor’s leg.

The tenth Doctor’s mouth dropped open, “It’s so weird seeing the TARDIS console room like this.”
The third Doctor smiled, “You’ve changed yours then?”
Rose answered, “Dramatically.”
Jo walked in with a tray of cups of tea from the kitchen. Both Doctor’s leapt for the tea and then drank it appreciatively.
“You got my sonic screwdriver Rose?” asked the tenth Doctor.
Rose chucked it to him. He then pressed the button and another wheezing, groaning sound was heard. As the tenth Doctor’s TARDIS followed the third’s through the time vortex. They both materialised at the same time and with several goodbyes and another two cups of tea the tenth Doctor and Rose were off on another crazy adventure in the TARDIS.

Meanwhile... Marvin was sulking like a five year old child who’d just had they’re lollipop taken off them in his dark gloomy castle.

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