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The Historical Bit

This ship was named the Bounty as we commendeered her from the Romulans after we tried to puersuade our captain that he was unfit for duty and we're tried as mutaneers

The Technical Bit

Class-Romulan Warbird
Length-5.4 Miles
Mass-15,000 Tonnes
Power-Artifical Quantum Singlarity
Wepons-12 Phaser Banks, 1500 Photon Torpedos, Cloaking Device, Phasing Device, Centari Mass Drivers, Ion Cannon, Naqadah Mines
Speed- Warp 9.9

The Crew

140 Humans

The Bridge

After a little remodeling the bridge has the Captains chair in the middle, the pilot sits in front to the left and the wepons officer to the right, the navigator sits above and to the right of the captain

The Medical Bay

Is the best we could beg, steal or borrow, it is well stocked and the computers have all been reprogrammed to deal with humans

Recreational Facilities

As the Romulans don't believe in this sort of thing, we had to remodel one of the cargo bays and this is now our Bar/Dining room/Games room, a lot can happen here on a Saturday night

The Crew Quarters

Each Crewman has his own quarters as this ship was designed to carry a lot more personel

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