The Gods
Created | Updated Jun 20, 2003
Here is a simple list of the Gods of the Disc. Feel free to write your own one to replace it, or to suggest things.
Sessifet - Goddess of the afternoon
Offler - The Crocodile Headed God
Flatulus - God of the winds
Fate - More an anthropomorphic personification
The Lady - Luck personified, she should not be named
Urika - Goddess of saunas, snow and theatrical performances for fewer than 120 people
Blind Io - Chief of the Gods
Libertina - Goddess of the sea, apple pie, certain types of ice cream and short lengths of string
Bibulous - God of wine and things on sticks
Patina - Goddess of wisdom
Topaxi - God of certain mushrooms, and also of great ideas that you forgot to write down and will never remember again, and of people who tell other people that dog is god spelled backwards and think this is in some way revelatory
Bast - God of things left on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed
Nuggan - local god, also in charge of paperclips, correct things in the right place in small stationaery sets, and unnecessary paperwork.
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