The Many and Various incarnations of Ford Prefect

2 Conversations

Ford Prefect is, of course, a researcher for the Guide, and was the one to rescue Arthur Dent from Earth when it was destroyed.
The only problem with this is that he did it four times: on rado, TV, book and vinyl, and each in a slightly different way.
Furthermore, on the TV, Ford Prefect was changed in appearance from that of the actor Geoffery McGiven to that of David Dixon, both
of whom are actors from the planet Earth. This reincarnation, unlike that of Doctor Who, a process which involved low-budget special effects;
was, in fact, due to the fact that they were in slightly different paralell-like universes, as extrapolated from the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash (WSOGMM).
This is, of course, very handy, as it conveniently explains away any of the other infamous contradictions in these versions, as, in fact, only one item
in all these universes remains the same. Unfortunately, in order that the reader will feel annoyance, infuriation and, in extreeme cases, anger, in relation to this entry; the article will end abruptly before any mention of t

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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