A Stargate Quiz - Season 4 Solution
Created | Updated Apr 6, 2006
Season Four
How well do you know the tv series Stargate? Here are the answers to the Season 4 questions.
Q What country does the Replicator-infested submarine come
from?A Russia
Q What is the name of the Tok'ra who is running experiments on SG-1?
A Freya/Anise
Q In Window of Opportunity Jack hands Hammond his
resignation, so he can do what?A Kiss Sam
Q Who sold Stargate secrets to which country and the actress playing Dr Markov is better known for playing another character. Who?
A Colonel Maybourne, to Russia. Deanna Troi from Star Trek TNG
Q What device was found on the X-301 that caused it to malfunction?
A A homing beacon
Q Which System Lord did Sarah Gardener release from stasis?
A Osiris
Q In Chain Reaction Jack introduces himself and his
accomplice to Senator Kinsey's wife as whom?A Starsky and Hutch
Q In 2010 who is Sam married to?
A Joe Faxon
Q What is the name of the Harcesis Child?
A Shifu
Q What do Sam and Jacob/Selmak do to Vorash's sun?
A Blow it up
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