A Conversation for First Kiss, Last Kiss, Best Kiss and Worst Kiss

Best and Worst

Post 1


I just wanted to add that sometimes bad kissers can be saved. My best and worst kiss was with the same man who I am happily engaged to now. Our first kiss was the worst, for both of us I think because I was a little drunk, had smoked almost a whole pack of cigarettes, and tasted (as he later recalled) like the Italian Hoagie I had eaten just before. On my end, it was bad because he seemed to have no clue what he was doing. Slobbery, tounge all over the place, and awkward movements due to the fact that the kissing happened in his car. My best is every day. Every time we kiss it gets better and better. I must say that I was fairly honest about his kissing (after a small amount of time passed so it wasn't mean) and I just explained what I liked. He did the same. Now its wonderful. I advocate complete honesty in all things sexual. You should tell your significant other what you like so you can both be happy.

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Best and Worst

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