Monarch Of The Glen

2 Conversations

"Monarch Of The Glen" (MOTG) is a BBC Scotland drama which, when showing, runs on a Sunday evening on BBC1.

The show is set on the fictional Highland estate of Glenbogle, being centred around 'The Big House', where the laird1 lives with his family.

A lot has happened in Glenbogle since the show started in 1999, although unlike most TV shows, it has kept all the same major characters, bar one, throughout.

Archie MacDonald (Alistair Mackenzie) is the laird of Glenbogle, and married to former housekeeper Lexie (Dawn Steele). After the tragic death of his father Hector (Richard Briers) at the end of series three, his mother Molly (Susan Hampshire) is now widowed, but still living in the house, and now closer than ever to Hector's best friend, neighbour Lord Kilwhillie (Oscar-winning Julian Fellowes).

They are served in the house by the ever-faithful gilly2, Gollie (Sandy Morton), and the ever-trying Duncan (Hamish Clark), who has had a run of bad luck throughout the series, but whose charm always makes him the good guy of most situations.

This is a relatively gentle, easy-to-watch show, perfect Sunday-night viewing, as the plot never moves far from the same path it has been on since the first series.

Glenbogle is not the richest estate in the world, and many a time it has looked as though they are about to lose the lot, only for a miracle to occur last minute and save the day.

In conclusion, this is a TV classic, with everything you want to help you start the week off in a good mood - drama, delightful scenery, a dose of adventure and some perfect comedy moments.

1Scottish landowner, and the equivalent of an English 'Lord'2Man in charge of all the game and shooting etc. on the estate

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