A Conversation for A Basic Introduction to Paganism

Good article...

Post 1


Hi WebWitch,

I loved this article - it seems to cover everything. I'm impressed you managed to define Paganism so well (ask 100 Pagans for a definition, and you'll get 120 different definitions back).

Must stop by later and look at more of your work.

- NCsmiley - schooloffish

Good article...

Post 2


That's very kind of you.

Good article...

Post 3

Mojo's big stick

Yes, thank you, that was extremely well written. Everything was plain and concise, without being dry or boring.

The next time someone says to me "Ooh, a PAGAN! Do you dance naked/hug trees/eat babies then?", I shall know which article to send them!

Good article...

Post 4



Good article...

Post 5


An article on paganism which didn't annoy me!! So many people ill-define paganism, its great that the true meaning was so well put together here!

Good article...

Post 6


That's very kind.

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