Brought on my extreme sickness, sleep deprivation, hallucinogenic drugs, or anything that royally screws your brain over, Hallucinations are a phenomonea most people don't understand, nor really care too. The thing most people don't understand is that their brain does not percieve what is directly there, ever. Your brain even often misinterprets whats directly in front of it, as well as completely screwing your surrondings without you even knowing it. Your vision is intrepreted by your brain, a neccesary step. Hallucinations mess with the interpretation, causing images from memory, or your surrondings to 'fill in' the parts that didn't quite make it to the brain. Things take on new shapes, colours. In more vivid hallucinations, complete sensations can be completely fake, but they always have a rooted basis in reality, a trigger that brings them on. If you see grass moving across the lawn, its most likely just a squirrel in the dark, that sort of thing. A sort of scaled down version of the skills in the brain in 'guessing' can be demonstrated at your computer monitor right now. Hold your two hands in front of you, and extend the first two fingers on each hand. Close your right eye, and slowly move your right hand away from the other hand while keeping the tips parellel. Keep your eye on the tip of the finger in your right hand, and about 5 inches apart (varies) you'll notice the tip of the finger of the left hand dissapear, and be filled in with whatever colour resides around it. If you look directly at it, the picture changes, of course, but such is hallucinations. The brain trying to interpret everything like it just intrepreted the tips of your fingers is how everything is during a hallucinogenic episode.
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