American Desert

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Located in the far Mid-west to the near west, the american desert spans around some large mountains called the 'Rockies'. Extreme heat and and amazing lack of sufficient water supply gives this area its name. The desert, while looking quite beautiful at night, is not a place to hang around for long amounts of time. Signs that you are hanging around in the desert too long is just basically existing in the desert outside a well-air conditioned vehicle. While driving through, you'll notice a huge amount of scrub, dry plants lining the majority of the desert. You can feel quite sympathetic with the pitiful creatures from the inside of your air-conditioned car. At this time, something bad tends to happen that requires you to exit the vehicle, curse violently and wonder if your going to live. Survival in the desert is a tricky thing. The easiest way to survive is, ironically enough, stand in the highway and try to flag down a car. They pass every 30 minutes or so, possibly higher. Do not go off searching for water. There is none. Try not to do anything extremely strenous, and conserve your energy. If you see a large pool of water on the horizon, trust me, its not there (Unless your car broke down around Lake Mead, but I'd still not reccomend drinking that water unless you were dieing of thirst or something. Lots of icky things.) Its safe to stay in your car to avoid desert-dwelling creatures, but don't forget you have to find a way to leave the desert, soon. Should no cars come, or you are inable to bring attention to them, adopting a few of the major religions in the world can probably bring you some peace. You can go a good three days with no water, and if you end up lying around in the desert, theres a pretty good chance you might be able to grab one of the vultures and wring its neck before it can jump off while its trying to eat you, and get a good amount of water from it. Don't rely on this tactic though. Other interesting things in the desert are Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon and many other things that I can't quite recall.

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