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The towel is a common, but useful tool, which a traveller should never be without.
You can dress in it, hide behind it, sit on it or use it as a weapon.
A good quality towel should be of decent size. About body size or bigger. It should
also be fashioned from cotton which is easy to clean and absorbs moisture well.
Not only can the towel be used to dry oneself, but a folded towel makes an relatively
effective cushion for your head or sitting on. A big towel can be used as a sarong,
turban or cape for those moments when dressing like a bathroom super hero is the only
way of escaping trouble, or getting out of the sun. Alternatively you can stick it on a
pole and use it as a flag. or a small tent A white towel is good here if you need to surrender from
something! Or you can use a towel as a mitten against hot things.And if you are a
Flemish artist you can use the towel as a sign of virginal purity.
You can also lay on it.
Although the stick is noted as the highest form of technology, the towel does not
resemble the stick, unless you have a particulary stick like towel.
Somethings the towel can do that the stick cannot include:
Acting like a rope in an escape
Acting like a whip(a rolled-up tea towel is a good example)
Acting like the cover over a hole-in-the-ground trap(although you might have many
sticks which you can make a lattice 'weave' with)

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