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Isn't technology wonderful? I mean, less than twenty-five years ago people were only able to watch movies at the theater or in the closet, two feet from the screen with the projector in your face. Today, the different formats for video are numerous, including VHS, Laser-Disc, Video CD, and of course, DVD. DVD stands for both Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc, and it is the exact size and shape of a Compact Disc. The difference, and the reason why it is such a popular new format, is in the amount of information one single disc can hold. A single DVD can hold up to 17 Gigabytes of information, translating into 8 hours of digital video. This creates room for up to 8 different audio tracks(for those people who want to work on their French or German while watching their favorite movies), up to 9 different camera angles(who wants to watch someone talking from the front when you can look at them from overhead or behind?), and even sub-titles for those who watch movies with loud kids or friends.
DVD technology has even reached the computer--with DVD-ROM, the replacement for CD-ROM. DVD-ROM is backwards compatible, meaning it can still play CD-ROM's, but you can also watch movies on your computer screen, but you can also cut down on the number of discs it takes to hold a single program or game. Some games that used to take up to five or six CD's will now only need *one* DVD to play them. DVD technology is great and it is here to stay. Discs are cheap and more come out practically every day. It doesn't cost much to buy DVD's, only about $15-$30, and most video stores rent them just like videos.
DVD is the single greatest advancement in video technology since color television, and there is no limit to what they can do. Now if only Star Wars would come out on DVD...

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