Crispy Sesame Salmon and Peach Chutney Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

Crispy Sesame Salmon and Peach Chutney

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If you really want to impress your dinner guests, try this recipe for salmon. It requires a little patience but the end result is well worth the dedication you put in to making it.


The Chutney

  • 2 large chopped onions
  • 400g can of cooked peaches
  • 30g fresh chopped ginger
  • 30g brown sugar
  • 50ml red wine
  • 50ml white wine
  • 35ml red wine vinegar
  • 2 chopped cloves of garlic
  • Salt and pepper

The Salmon

  • 1 salmon fillet
  • 1 cup of sesame seeds
  • Salt and pepper
  • 10g butter
  • 10g sesame oil1


The Chutney

  1. Mix all the ingredients together.

  2. Slow cook over a low heat for 90 minutes.

  3. Serve.


  1. Melt butter and oil in pan2.

  2. Put salt and pepper on the cut pieces of the salmon fillet.

  3. Put the sesame seeds in a large bowl.

  4. Dip the salmon in the sesame seeds. The natural flesh of fresh salmon should be moist so the sesame seeds will stick.

  5. Once the fats have been heated up (but not coloured brown and burned), drop in the salmon.

  6. Watch the loose sesame seeds in the pan start colouring, once they're dark, carefully flip salmon over.

  7. After turning, count for ten seconds and move all the pieces of salmon onto a metal dish, and put them in a 450° oven. The underside will brown in the oven.

  8. After 6 - 7 minutes of cooking, take out and serve with a spoonful of your home-made chutney on top.

1If you don't have any sesame oil, you can use vegetable oil instead.2Copper pans are preferred, but not required.

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