A Conversation for Handy Latin Phrases

This could be a strange request for help!!

Post 1


I need to know how to say/write, "Pickerel Cheeks" in latin! Yes, I AM serious...and this is not a joke!

I had the pleasure of dining with my personal "Prince Charming" (originally from the UK) a while back, and we went to one of my favorite restaurants (here in Winnipeg, Canada), where they happen to serve "pickerel cheeks" as an appetizer. My date had not heard of them before (like many) and had a good laugh. My nick-name has become...yup, you guessed it: Pickerel Cheeks!

I am creating a visual art piece for him, as a gift, and wanted to incorporate something that not everyone would catch onto, should he have it in his office, but have a very personal meaning.


This could be a strange request for help!!

Post 2


What on earth are 'pickerel cheeks'?

smiley - dragon

This could be a strange request for help!!

Post 3

Banjo Golly

From my Encyclopaedia Britannica:

any of several North American pikes, family Esocidae, distinguished from the related muskellunge and northern pike by its smaller size, completely scaled cheeks and gill covers, and banded or chainlike markings. The chain pickerel (Esox niger) grows to about 0.6 metres (2 feet) and a weight of about 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds). The barred pickerel (E. americanus) and the grass pickerel (E. vermiculatus) are smaller species reaching a maximum weight of about 0.5 kilograms.

From which can I infer that the Latin word for pickerel is esox (gen. esocis.) Now I can invent an adjective "esocinus" (=pickerel's).

The Latin for the soft part of the cheek (not the cheek bones) is bucca (gen. buccae.)

Putting it all together:

Pickerel Cheeks = Buccae Esocinae [or, if you like, Esocinae Buccae.]

[Pronounce: book-eye ess-o-keen-eye.]

I'm so great!smiley - biggrin

This could be a strange request for help!!

Post 4

Banjo Golly

Re the pronunciation. The stress is on 'keen.' I forgot to mention that.

This could be a strange request for help!!

Post 5


Clever, clever! I'm terribly impressed.

smiley - dragon

This could be a strange request for help!!

Post 6


Pickerel cheeks are exaclty what the name would suggest! I know it's odd...but what else is there to do in Winnipeg in winter, but find odd things to eat? (Oh, and drink beer!) *Apparently*, the cheeks are the most flavourful & tender part of the fish...I don't know, I'm a vegetarian. I do know, however, that they are breaded and deep-fried...and are supposedly spectacular! I'd just like to know who thought about eating the CHEEKS of a fish!! Yeesh!

Thank you for your help!!! I'm looking forward to familiarizing myself with this site, as it seems to be quite an interesting one!

Enjoy the day!
Pickerel Cheeks! *grin*

This could be a strange request for help!!

Post 7


You bet it's interesting! (And addictive too.) Enjoy!

smiley - dragon

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