A Conversation for Handy Latin Phrases

Latin Terms and Translation

Post 1


I was wondering whethr there's Latin translations for the following:
(1) Provost Marshall
(2) Director of the Academy
(3) Master-at-arms
(4) Free Scholar

I'm creating a new gift certificate for our new graduate scholars in historical fencing in January, so I hope someone can advise.


Latin Terms and Translation

Post 2

Banjo Golly

Provost is from Lat. propositus
Marshal is from med. Lat. marescalcus, from O.H.Ger. mara/r, horse, and scalc, servant

So Provost Marshal, I suppose, would be 'Marescalcus Propositus' or 'Propositus Marescalcus' [Feminine: -a instead of -us]

Director of the Academy is easy: 'Moderator Academiae' [Fem: 'Moderatrix']

Master-at-Arms is tricky. Erm...smiley - erm What relationship between the master and the arms is the word 'at' supposed to convey? Not sure what to do with this one.

Free Scholar: 'Liber Vir Doctus' [Fem: 'Libera Mulier Docta']

Latin Terms and Translation

Post 3


Some people have used Master of Arms which is also very appropriate.

Testing Latin Skills

Post 4


I was wondering if Banjo Golly or anyone would like to take a crack at translating this from English to Latin. It will be the new fencing scholars graduating certificate for my school in January 2005.

On the nomination of the Senate and Governing Council of
The Renaissance Fencing Academy (Keep the school in English)
has conferred upon... (Name)

With all the honours, rights and privileges to that certification appertaining. Having successful played for his/her prize and demonstrated the necessary skills for the status and rank of scholar
is hereby accorded this award on the

....January 2005

Latin Terms and Translation

Post 5


i wonder whether "Armaorum sui iuris dominius" would make sense in this case? Corrections anyone?

Latin Terms and Translation

Post 6

Banjo Golly


Yes. 'armorum'

'sui iuris' means independent. What's the thinking there?

Latin Terms and Translation

Post 7

Banjo Golly

And 'dominus' not 'dominius'.

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