The absurdly large rectal thermometers
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Another dream by PieZetti
Here's another one that came back to me today.
It came about during my first few weeks of
"special medication."
I'm waiting in a bus terminal somewhere in the
Midwestern United States. I can tell this by the
"purple mountains" looming majestically in the
back ground and the emminent tornado weather.
I'm carrying plaid luggage and sitting on a long
bench behind a long grey building. There's a
cyclone fence in front of me, that has been put
there to keep out the wilderness. The fence is
twenty feet tall with razor wire along the top, and i
get the sudden urge to jump over the fence. I'm
suddenly on the other side of the fence, and
running with great speed towards a McDonald's
which has appeared in the wilderness. I suddenly
have companions, one of which is a very
attractive young woman who never introduces
herself, but I know in my mind that her name is
Emmanuelle. She kisses me, then steals my
luggage and takes the next bus which says "to
France" on the side. Once she is gone, I am
suddenly in some sort of department store. It
seems to specialize in make-up, brass beds,
womens clothing, and absurdly large rectal
thermometers. I'm suddenly dressed all in black
leather, like a biker, and apparently I'm some
sort of famous person because all of the
*gorgeous* women who work in the store are
trying desperately to have their picture taken with
me. Sometime during this photo session, I am
made to sit on one of the absurdly large rectal
thermometers, and it can be seen protruding
from my rear end in all the pictures, which were
taken by a Dwarf, so they're all from the waist
down. It turns out that one of the employees
knows me and that I know Emmanuelle, and
gives me her address and cab fare to France.
Even though I arrive in what looks to be Toledo,
Ohio, I know that I'm in France. I walk up and
down the streets of France for a few hours until I
find her appartment. The sign on the door says
"Foot removal--inquire within" and I ring the bell.
the door opens to reveal a small refrigerator,
which I climb into, and it takes me up several
floors to her appartment. She's happy to see me,
but then the scene turns ugly, a la Lock, Stock,
and 2 Smoking Barrels, and I'm given two very
large, chrome-plated guns in which to kill the
attackers, which are all dressed like clowns, But
in my zeal and excitment, I kill everyone, even my
guys, and I'm left with a bloddy loft appartment
and an absurdly large rectal thermometer.