The Isle of Wight
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
If everyone didn't mind being squashed into a space which they'd prefer to be a bit bigger, and would all those bloody Americans please keep it down please, because it was our Island in the first place before this flipping stupid idea was suggested...
...AND, the population of the world is getting constantly bigger, and the Island is without a doubt getting smaller by the minute.
Nevertheless, I think it would be a great thing to have a go at, if only once.
A big hello to the people who live out by Blackgang Chine (the worlds oldest Theme Park...wooo!) whose house is the only one of a stretch of terraced houses left at the top of a cliff. It must have been hard saying goodbye to all those friends, and knowing that the only thing stopping their house from falling into the English channel in a pretty dramatic style is...well, not much really.
The Isle of Wight, I was once told authoritatively by a neighbour, is a place people go to either retire or bring up kids...and that's kind of true. But it does miss out an important point.
There are other people about too.
Quite a few.
Several of my friends compare The Isle of Wight to Craggy Island from the TV series Father Ted, and there are elements of truth in that, although you'll never catch me telling them that...
There are a disproportionately large amount of priests in comparison to normal people, which probably comes about from the large number of kids being brought up that need christening or being dipped into the religious fluid of your choice, and from the large amounts of old people, who feel the need to have religious people around for mainenance and general amusement purposes.
Keep posted for more inside news on interesting yet unknown aspects of the South of England...