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Moderation...whatever happened to a friendly warning?

I get back to do some major revision work on my 'wibble' page (I have to store stuff online as I'm rarely on the same computer twice lately) only to find a whole bunch of 'copyrighted material removed by moderator' essentially leaving my article a series of placeholders.

Now, while I can see thier point (though I can't see including a dictionary definition as being a problem), it meant I had to go find everything again and all the work I'd put in in the first place was wasted.

Perhaps hiding the article and a short note to me would have been better?


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Latest reply: Jan 9, 2002

Why am I not surprised?

Well, it finally happened. I got proof.

Leading up to his death my Father had always promised that I was getting everything. When I say 'everything' there really wasn't a lot. His assets may have added up to $2000 in total if I was lucky.

During his last years he was living with his girlfriend (having left Mum about 17 years ago), who I quite liked.

One day I heard he was dying and dropped eveything to do the 6 hour drive to be at his side. I wished I could stay, but unfortunately life doesn''t stop. I stayed a few hours, then had the long drive home.

While I was there, talking to a nurse, he kept telling my wife that I was 'getting everything', as if it was important.

Three weeks later he died. I immediately set about organising the funeral. That is until a sneaking suspicion made me ask a crucial question: who were his posessions going to. The answer was : his girlfriend.

Now, I don't bear her any ill-will. She put up with him in the last years and damn well deserved whatever was left. I don't have a problem with that.

I also found it suspicious that the executor of his will was this girlfriend's daughter. I often wondered what happened in those three weeks. Did my Father have one of his famous tantrums and write me out of his will, or was he, in his weakened state, co-erced by said daughter?

I now have the answer.

A letter arrived along with a money order, and a copy of the will. I'll quote a single portion of it:

3.3 To my son, [doreiwolf], to be held in trust the sum of $1.00 so he can buy two postage stamps, or make one phone call to enquire about me after I'm dead.

That gave me all I needed to know. The phrasing, the words used all ring of my Father. He wasn't coerced. Instead he took his last opportunity ever to do something he'd been doing to me for most of my life: breaking promises.

The joke, however, is on him.

You see, if I'd got that even two months after he died I'd have been crushed, heartbroken and torn apart.

Now, however, I'm over him. My wife was worried about how I'd take the letter. She needn't have bothered. I laughed. In fact I found that, plus the 'guilt trip' letter written by the daughter to be incredbly funny. She's an amateur in the guilt stakes. I learned at the knee of my Grandmother who was a master at it.

My wife added to the humour. Instead of dumping the letter, will and money order for $1.00 into the paper recycling, she tore it up and put it straight in the bin, with all the other garbage.

Damn life is good! smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jan 7, 2002

Another Death

Dad's dead. 20010429

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2001

A Death in the Family

Bo, Mrs Wolf's dog, died yesterday. 20010424.

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Latest reply: Apr 25, 2001

The road to the Dentists

Here I sit feeling sorry for myself, but damn glad that's over.

I have this *wonderful* phobia about dentists. I hate them. Really, really hate them. I truly would prefer to have something broken than have to see one.

I rather suspect this is due to too many of my early dentists who I'm sure were confirmed sadists. This type of dentist can be detected by their cry of "this won't hurt". Won't hurt *them*. Me, yes.


I'd had a wisdom tooth taken out a few years back. My mouth was shaped such that I couldn't get the brush to reach my right upper wisdom (the left was fine, for some reason), and it had decayed badly. So, in with the local anasthetic (about 4 times as much as normal, due to my curious physiology), and one person holds my head, while the dentist uses the pliers. Isn't modern technology wonderful?

A few months ago I had a *very* bad cavity needed filling. While there they took a pretty x-ray and discovered my lower wisdoms were impacted, and my lower left was in fact little more than a shell. There was no way to clean down into the slight gap left betwen my molar and my wisdom. The right was also in serious danger.

So out they had to come. And to stop possible future problems my upper left wisdom also had to come out. Three teeth. I chose to be sedated.

Today I had them out. I slept soundly during the op, though I had some bizzarre (but not scary, thank goodness) dreams about having teeth removed.

Now I'm sitting here sore and almost scared to eat. It's very, very hard to stop my tongue from 'exploring' the new spaces.

Oh well. At least they're out and I can just heal and get on with life again.

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Latest reply: Apr 20, 2001

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doreiwolf (why not try A682652?) (Alpha Low Thingite Patron, Defender of Wibble, Pagan Younger and Official Pooper Scooper)

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