Swan with a map of Perth on it

Traveller's Home

Hi, I am Traveller. I was born in England but I have lived in the USA for a short period, and in Calgary, Canada for 18 years. My current home is Perth, Western Australia, where I have lived since 1998. My work has taken me to several places in the world including Russia, Thailand, Norway, Puerto Rico, UK, USA, Syria, France, Italy, Nigeria and now Australia.

My interests include genealogy, and I have been able to construct a pedigree to 1667, tracing most of my ancestors to Cornwall, where they were tin miners.

I enjoy skiing, or at least I did.......its a bit tough to do it here when it is 35 degrees C!! Being a lazy slob I now like sitting around on the beach, the Perth area having some real beauties. I also enjoy cooking and reading. I am one of the Australia and NZ Researchers

I am currently working on a project to find a really lousy Australian wine. It is a difficult task, which involves sampling as many varieties as possible --- ah well the things we suffer for our Art!!


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Does anybody remember 'Colmanisms'? Oct 11, 2001 Oct 12, 2001


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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