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I agree with youq

Post 1

psychocandy-moderation team leader

About cooking in "bulk". I've gotten guff from people on this site because of that, but at least I get good quality food at every meal. I'd *never* eat something that had sat decomposing in the fridge for the better part of a week, or getting freezer burned for a couple of months or more. It's just silly, when you can so easily have something fresh, healthy and wholesome at each and every meal. smiley - smiley

It's nice to see there's someone else around who's concerned with preparing food economically, and efficiently, and without effectively eating waste.

Now I know who to hit up for reasonably-sized recipes. smiley - winkeye

Hope you don't mind that I've dropped by. I look forward to talking with you.

I agree with youq

Post 2

psychocandy-moderation team leader

And sorry about the "Q" in the subject line. I'm using a laptop tonight and the keyboard's smaller than I'm used to.

I agree with youq

Post 3

Researcher 1300304

and thank you for dropping by. smiley - smiley

as you can see i don't get many visitors.

the whole 'small food' thing meets resistance because it seems at first to be counter intuitive. add to this a mountain of marketing which encourages upsizing and value adding and it becomes a difficult perception to correct.

sometimes food manufacturers and retailers get ugly about this. it is not always the case that a larger packet of something is cheaper. and calcing out, for example, the relative cost of something in a 375g container compared to 500g isn't especially easy to do in ones head.

I agree with youq

Post 4

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Well, with visitors as with food, quality is much more important than quality. smiley - winkeye I don't get tons of visits, either. In a way, it's probably a blessing.

Quite. It's this up-sizing and "value" sizing and bulk selling that has people convinced more is better.

It also doesn't seem like it should be too difficult to figure out why it would cost more to refrigerate more food, but then again, some people's resistance to such common sense things is often down to willfulness- who wants to admit to, or change, their bad habits? That's too much like work. As, apparently, is having a decent meal each day. *shrug* I manage to do it, and we work a lot of hours, too. Hell, I'd rather have freshly prepared restaurant or take-out food than something that had been rotting for four days. smiley - yuk

Sure, if you prepare something the night before, refrigerate immediately, and consume within 24 hours, giving the flavors a chance to meld together is a good thing. Eating the same stuff after it's begun to decompose and the nutritional value has deteriorated makes no sense.

So, nice meeting you. smiley - smiley

I agree with youq

Post 5

Researcher 1300304

and you.

i'm watching the other thread but won't be adding to it. i've pretty much decided the whole thing was a troll. i don't know what barrow was being pushed but i figure anyone who thinks cooking 2 litres of food takes less energy than 4 lots of 500ml is either winding me up or will never get it.

and if cooking in bulk were cheaper and tasted better, that's all restaurants would do. which, oddly enough, they don't. smiley - smiley

I agree with youq

Post 6

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I suppose it's more a case of "not getting it". I didn't read all of the posts on that thread- some I skimmed, some I skipped entirely- but that's how it seems to me.

Yeah, the only places I know that cook in bulk are buffets, and that food is generally crap. My experience has always been that cooking in bulk is more time and energy consuming. And it's usually cheaper to buy fresh fruit and veggies individually, rather than in bulk packages. I got eight organic carrots- big ones- on Sunday, for less than $1.50. A bunch of six was $2.49. Even I can handle that kind of math on the fly. smiley - smiley

I don't add to a lot of threads these days- usually, by the time I get to a thread, someone else had already said more or less what I would have, and there's no point repeating stuff when people don't listen anyway.

Also, if you are interested in talking about other things than bad cooking habits, I have other interests, too. smiley - laugh But this one's a bugbear of mine... even a couple of dear friends rib me for not cooking in bulk and then freezing into infinity.

I agree with youq

Post 7

Researcher 1300304

food is a passion for me too and it does irritate me when folks get simple things wrong.

i should really learn to post what needs to be said and move on instead of getting sucked into silly discussions.

may i ask about your interests or would it be better for me to read through your space and pick something to post to?

I agree with youq

Post 8

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Of course you may ask about my interests if you like! Other than cooking (vegetarian, in my case), I enjoy film and music, art and reading, especially. I'm also always interested in learning new things, so I'll talk about just about anything, most of the time.

I resolved a couple of years ago not to get sucked into silly, circular discussions, slinging matches, etc. It took a while, but I seem to have manged to give them up completely; now I'm just here for enjoyable discussion. smiley - smiley

I agree with youq

Post 9

Researcher 1300304

three colours: red is my favourite movie. yours?

I agree with youq

Post 10

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Ooh, I have more than one. Haven't seen any of the Three Colors all the way through...

My faves: Repo Man, A Clockwork Orange, The Fantastic Planet, and The Holy Mountain.

What is it about Red that makes it your favorite? I'm always looking for something new to watch. smiley - smiley

I agree with youq

Post 11

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I was thinking more about your earlier post and wonder if, regarding economy, people are confusing fridge energy use- where cooling larger quantities uses more energy- and freezer energy use- where keeping the freezer full actually uses less energy as the frozen things keep each other cold?

I agree with youq

Post 12

Researcher 1300304

red is just sublime. it is near enough to the perfect movie imho. worth watching just for the music.

i would be 'reducing the text' to explain it as shakespearean actors sometimes say.

not everyones cup of tea mind you.

the physics of fridges can get a bit fuzzy. and all that discussion is fairly marginal anyway. truth is we aren't talking about hundreds of dollars a year either way. i simply objected to the principle put forward that storage of excess food in the refrigerator was somehow free.

I agree with youq

Post 13

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Quite, or economical even. Or wise. What I find amusing is that people get so het up about vindicating themselves, needing to be "right".

I've had food poisoning before, when I was a kid, and I'd rather dispose of $20 worth of food than pay a few thousand to visit the ER and lose a few hundred missing a couple days of work.

A couple of friends of mine didn't seem to care for "Red". If it's vaguely Shakespearean, oversimplification or no, I might just enjoy it. I'll add it to my ever-growing list of things to see. smiley - smiley

I agree with youq

Post 14

Researcher 1300304

i hate recommending movies. i always feel guilty if it isn't liked.

I agree with youq

Post 15

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I know what you mean- same here, really. Mostly. There is one friend of mine I get a kick out of torturing, but that's not isolated to movie recommendations. smiley - winkeye

I agree with youq

Post 16

Researcher 1300304

smiley - smiley

I agree with youq

Post 17

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hello again!

I agree with youq

Post 18

Researcher 1300304


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