The Mad Cat Woman of Balmain, New South Wales, Australia

My greatest ambition in life is to deteriorate into the Mad Cat Woman of Balmain. I've made a respectable start in that I share my tiny house (most homes around these parts are in minature because that's all we can afford) with 3 cats and a tolerant husband.
The most recent renovation to our home is to extend the feline outdoor living area so the spoilt creatures can enjoy the back garden in safety (in contrast to the housing, most cats in the area are monsterous as are the vet bills if one of ours comes in contact with any of them)
We have no children (the cats were hungry)

I'm about to chuck a 20 year career in Television News and start teaching the Pilates Method. I'm also in the midst of a course in Remedial Massage.

Everyone needs some ambition and obsession


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