The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything... With new Clear, and Concise explanation appended...

1 Conversation

I think I know what the Ultimate Question and answer mean... 

What is The Answer for The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything? 


That’s it. 

That’s The Answer. 

But you never really understood what The Ultimate Question was, did you? 

So The Answer doesn’t make sense without it. If you knew what the The Ultimate Question was, you might understand why The Answer is 42, and if that makes sense to you, you are one enlightened dude, dude. Do you wanna know The Ultimate Question? Are you ready? 


What do you get if you multiply six by nine? 


It has been noted that in base 13, 6 multiplied by 9 will equal 42. 

Douglas Adams later joked, "I don't make jokes in base 13". 

Who would write a mathematical joke in base 13? 

A mathematical God. 

Need more of an explanation? 

It's a joke. 

It's The Joke. 

The single greatest joke that there ever could be, sort of like a Zen Koan. 

That's the answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. 

It came to me in a vision, divine revelation maybe, or it might’ve been vegetable induced hallucination, either way, it makes completely perfect sense to me, if it does to you, great! 

If not, then I hope I’ve helped you on your path to enlightenment, Dude. 

If you want to know the purpose of The Universe, why are we all here, what should we all be doing, how shall we lead our lives, this is the message that the Universe gave me: 

In one marathon briefing, everything was laid before me; the entire history of the Cosmos, from the Big Bang, to the Gnab Gib. And then there were the multifarious threads from every single disconnected plotline that comes together in the final act, and it all converges into one hilarious singularity of Cosmic Consciousness. 

In the Beginning, there was One, One Unitive Consciousness, that was, and is, its own reason for being, Cogito Ergo Sum, I think, therefore I am. 

I Am Who Am. 

And then for some reason, most likely a bit of fun, it got bored one day, this unity divided, and fractured, and compartmentalized itself, a being of pure thought energy and consciousness blew itself apart at the Big Bang, so it could be the storyteller and the audience, without giving any of the twists away to itself. 

All of us are these shards of consciousness, pieces of a bigger whole that will come back together in the end, every detail matters to the whole, every throwaway line is vital, all of the tragedies and tribulations get redeemed in the end when this massive, ornate, impossibly intricate universe ties everything together for the big reveal. 

So relax, and enjoy the ride!

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