Read About h2g2's Bright Future (Sunglasses Recommended)

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smiley - cool

Since Nick Reynolds announced the successful bid and Robbie Stamp delivered his message, there has been an absolute deluge of questions and information in dozens of threads. If you've had trouble keeping up with all of the threads, we understand completely. We can't keep up with all of them, either. But we have made it easier for you to stay abreast of important notifications. Just subscribe to Announcements From h2g2's Future, and news will be delivered straight to your personal space.

If you have a question, please check the FAQs first. If your question isn't answered there, please drop it in the FAQs thread. We'll find the right person who'll don the appropriate thinking apparel1 to answer your question. We will then update the FAQs and notify everyone subscribed to Announcements From h2g2's Future.

Researchers who use social media may wish to follow the
@h2g2c2 and
@h2g2_Guide twitter accounts and 'like' the h2g2 Community Consortium's Facebook page.

We thank all the skilled and enthusiastic volunteers who have joined our Teams and are working to bring h2g2 to its new home and make it a success. A special 'Thanks For Building The Guide' goes to everyone doggedly turning out quality research while we are moving house.

smiley - towel

smiley - spacesmiley - space- The Comms Team
smiley - biro
1It was recently discovered that not all researchers put on thinking caps. Some prefer thinking boots or thongs, apparently.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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