Supermarkets in France

2 Conversations

i have been to France several times on cycle tours with my family and also driving several times to watch le Tour de France and the World Cyclo X Championships. Anyway, enough of that... there is always a large problem: Food! so to combat this, trips to supermarkets are generally reqired! Supermarkets that I have encountered are: E. Leclerks, Champion and Super U. In my opinion quality of the food comes in that order too. E. Leclerks is the absolute best, supplying an amazing quantity and diversity of food, Champion is fairly good for when you can't find a E. Leclerks and Super U is the absolute PITTS! it's seriously VERY shoddy and should only be used in emergencys! an absolte must to be buy when in a French supermarket are these extra yummy cereal bars called Grany Bars (pronounced by my family as "Granny"!) and those extra thin pancakes called Crepes. YUMMY!!!!!! I have to say how wonderful the E. Leclerks is in St. Malo but the one in Dunkirk i think really lets the whole company down!
Happy Eating!

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