Chess: NewsGroups and Mailing Lists.

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Chess NewsGroups and Mailing Lists.

Woman asleep at her computer

For any chess enthusiast there are a variety of different chess newsgroups
and mailing lists to choose from. The following are a list of some that the reader may

Newsgroups are an excellent way of gaining information by meeting other people
with the same interest as yourself. And that does not only count for chess. Newsgroups
cater for all interests.

Mailing Lists are veritable magazines that are sent to your email inbox and can
contain anything. A chess mailing list that you could subscribe to could undoubtedly
have all sorts of different puzzles or news to read. Some are well worth reading;
others are simply hopeless and are not worth subscribing to at all.




This is undoubtedly the best name that one could have signed up with for those
interested in chess. But unfortunately the newsgroup does not hold up to its name.
Another example of web addresses that do not hold up to their name might be found at I was expecting to have a laugh at some of the ridiculous pictures
and perhaps browse some of the ridiculous quotes he has said but alas. There was nothing there.
The same is so for alt.chess. As a matter of fact. I shall sign off this newsgroup with some
words from David Beckham himself; which made it into BBC's Quote of The Year 2000:

"I'm going to have Brooklyn Christened; but I don't know into what religion yet."




Many conversations here on multifarious subjects. Most of which are quite weird
and wodnerful such as a thesis on Lossing/Winning chess and debates on the philosophy of the game.



A small newsgroup with a good message response. Not bad for the beginner as
messages are mostly answered sensibly and stick on the topic of chess.


Give this one a miss!


Anything and everything related to chess computers. An excellent newsgroup
kept alive by interesting discussion. Well worth a look for anyone interested in chess


An excellent newsgroup which has something to say on practically anything related to chess.
Even things unrelated to chess! The newsgroup contains all of the latest gossip
on such controversial topics as FIDE, women in chess and many other things. Making
this newsgroup the best newsgroup available to Internet surfers. If you are a chess
fan and have not seen this newsgroup already, then visit it today!


All related guessed it...chess politics.

Mailing Lists.

[email protected]

This place is well worth a look and has created quite a close chess community.
People all seem to know each others names, send each other chess problems, and
also indulge in fun activities. Worth a look.

[email protected]

A small but interesting group which does not take the form of 'spam' as such in your inbox. i.e. There are not
too many irritating postings.

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