Is It Too Much To Ask ?

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I never knew the answer when they asked me as a kid

And when I hit my teenage years I only said I did.

I'd no idea back then and I have even less today.

I don't know what I want to be. What else is there to say ?

There is so much I do want,

But it seems so out of reach.

That won't stop me trying though,

No matter what you preach.

The world doesn't owe you a living.

There's only so long we will let you take.

The time has come to start giving,

So swallow your pride and accept your fate.

Is it too much to ask

For the hope of something better ?

Is it too great a task

To offer something more ?

I know I'm not the brightest individual on this Earth

But I'm damned if I will let you underestimate my worth.

I won't be battoned down by a system that's unfair

And advisors who have already been caught within its snare.

I may be uncertain

But I know enough to say

Despite your protestations

There is a better way.

The world doesn't owe you a living.

There's only so long we're prepared to wait.

The time has come to start giving

So swallow your pride and accept your fate.

Is it too much to ask

For the hope of something better ?

Is it too great a task

To offer something more ?

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