Sorai d'lamo, A brief history

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This is the story of Sorai d'lamo, a youngish necromancer-in-training1, in the Magician's Guild.


Sorai looks 20 yrs old and has dark hair down to shoulders. He has well tanned skin, is quite tall and is thin but lean. He also has a scar on his face but it has faded somewhat. Usually wears robes of some kind. He has tattoos on both forearms which are dragon based and are connected to his life story2.

His story

He does not know much about his life. His father was a soldier and his mother was a native of a clan in the far mountains in the East. When his father's garrison attacked the village of the clan and took over he and Sorai's mother married and had him.

When Sorai was 10 the village was attacked by another clan and a horrific battle took place. Sorai's father was killed by the clan's chieften and Sorai was left for dead after being clubbed to death.

He was picked up by the second regiment at Fort Atwilpa and it was there that he killed his first man. Because of this he had to flee and was hunted by armed riders.

He was found, half-starved, by a tracker, who was hunting wild bears at the time. The tracker took him in and Sorai stayed there, learning the tricks of the trade, until he was 17. It was then that he heard of the Chieften that had killed his father. He hunted the man down and killed him.

Unfortunatly the Chieften now held a lot of power, and Sorai was thrown in jail. He was rescued by the old tracker, who gave his life so that Sorai could escape.

Embittered, Sorai wondered the lands until he found Imardin, where he thought he could fight for a noble cause. He is still there today.

Other stats

Sorai can command soldiers - He has Military Training. He carries two short swords, but will sometimes use a broadsword. He wears no armour and is fast at running. He is also a strong willed individual

1Arn't they all?2See below

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