Ashtrays, pub

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I believe and will continue to do so, that ash-trays are in fact the work of malicious designers with a grudge against society. One can gurantee that whatever use the ash-tray may have, it is fundamentally designed to not hold ash!

The pub ashtray is the worst of all. No cigarette or equivalent life destroying tool will ever have a trauma free sojourn in one of these monstrousities. When an new ashtray is delivered to a pub table by a supposedly friendly member of staff it has usually just been washed. As soon as some unwitting drinker puts his cigarettee into the alleged container, the excess water extinguishes it. If fate and fortune are smiling that fateful day, the end of the cigarette will simply need a new flame. However the most normal result is for the cigarette to then slide into the bowl and become soggy. Of course as the smoker is occupied at this time by tv/fruit machine/ barmaid, the calamity is not noticed until it is too late.

If the ashtray has been there for some time then it will probably be dry, unless spillage has occured in which case the above process can be repeated. Howvere the other large obstacle that is faced daily by the smoker, is the non-smoker. Only a non-smoker would consistently place flamable items into an ashtray. Whether it be an empty crisp packet, a torn beer mat or a random bus ticket, it will never fail to catch alight and give off some noxious, possibly toxic fumes, that fuel even more so the anger shown towards you by the non-smoker.

Study has shown that there is only one proven object capable of holding ash in the right way- the lid of a cigarette packet.The durable material will not burn though easily, the paper joint will hold your cigarette safely and ash can be disposed of easily. Avoid the commercial ashtray at all costs.

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