Real ale pubs of Nottingham

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Should you find yourself in Nottingham this entry should help you enjoy the many Real Ale pubs of the city. My list is in no particular order and is not exclusive, but does quite often form part of a pub-crawl.

The Lincolnshire Poacher.

161-163 Mansfield Road. This is a fair sized pub but the place does get busy and at weekends it tends to be standing room only unless you get lucky, also in summer the back court yard is used to accommodate more people. The pub is owned by Tynemill and has a tie in with Batemans, hence their beers are always to be found here, and they do also have a range of guest beers.

The Bell Inn.

18 Angel row (opposite the Council House in the Market Square). This is very popular due to its location. The selection of beer here is fantastic; my tip is to go to the back room for the best selection with 12 handpulled beers to choose from and the only place in Nottingham I know were you can get Black Sheep Special and their Riggwelter on draught, pure heaven. Even the two front bars have 11 handpulls between them. There is also an upstairs bar, which opens occasionally. This pub also has the distinction of being Nottingham's oldest pub, no matter what the Salutation or the Trip to Jerusalem claim, as proved by Tony Robinson and the Time Team.


South Sherwood Street (opposite the Theatre Royal). This has on offer about a dozen real ales and frequently has its own beer festivals. CAMRA members can occasionally obtain discounts here, though this tends to be only mid week. The is usually a pint from the Nottingham brewery Castle Rock to be found here, as well as in most Tynemill pubs since their merger.

The Salutation.

Maid Marion Way. A wide selection of beers available here, with the down stairs bar having the wider selection. The standard beer is Boddingtons or Wadworth 6X, its being a Whitbread pub under the name of Hogshead, but a selection of guest beers are available. The two snug rooms the King Charles and the Cromwell is ideal to have a bit of peace from the large crowd who tend to flock here.

The Trip to Jerusalem.

Castle Road (Built into the side of Nottingham Castle). Ignoring the advertising on the side about it being the oldest inn, (although it has been used as a cellar for a long time but NOT a pub), this still attracts a lot of tourists especially during the summer months. The selection of beer here is limited being wholly owned by Hardy and Hanson and selling their Kimberley range, and although I was brought up on it I will avoid the Best, going mainly for the seasonal specials. The rooms here are small but do try up stairs where at weekend you will find a small bar open and a few more seats. In the downstairs room you can also try the game of attempting to get a ring, which is attached to the ceiling by string, on to an animal horn, honest after a few drinks it is a laugh.

Fellows, Morton and Clayton.

54 Canal Street (back of the Broadmarsh Centre and Near the Railway Station). This pub, apart from selling the usual fare of Boddingtons, Timothy Taylors Landlord (a three time winner for the CAMRA best beer award) and range of guest beers, also brews two beers of its own on site, Fellows and Post Haste, the pick of the two being the later. There is also a restaurant attached.

The Bunkers Hill.

Hockley (by the side of the National Ice Stadium). The is a must to visit one large room with the worlds smallest snug room attached, enough for four people at a push. All the real ales here are from microbreweries throughout the UK, and with about a dozen to choose from its like going to a mini beer festival every week. The food here is standard bar food, plenty and cheap, it also does not get over crowded very often, therefore seating is often available even late on at a weekend. There is a function room upstairs, which frequently has bands.

VAT and Fiddle.

Queens Bridge Road (Left as you walk out of the railway station, next to the Castle Rock brewery). This is a Tynemill pub so expect a good selection of real ales, as well as its location would indicate, Castle Rock beers, their standard being Hemlock. A friendly 'local' type pub, with occasional live music, a good place to miss the train home.

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