Computer Programing

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Computers run based on small electrical charges arriving at different places on a several chips. These charges arrive based on whether or not certain conditions are true or false. Therefore, computers understand only the commands true or false. These commands are dictated by 1 (true) and 0 (false). The kind of thing a computer might understand is 001100010101100000111010011010

The only problem with programing in series of 1's and 0's (known as binary) is that anyone reading the code who didn't write it is going to have an extremely hard time trying to understand the code. Thus, someone either really enthusiastic or really lazy came up with the idea of languages and compilers. The most commonly used languages are C, C++, Java, and Perl Script.

Compilers are computer programs that preform the essential opperation in computer programing. The translate the code in ones program into 1s and 0s. Java, C, and C++ all use specific compilers and must be compiled before you run them. Perl Script is compiled on the go. The 1s and 0s are set up by terminal or other applications as the program runs.

Computer languages can be used for a multitude of purposes. Some of the more common uses are AI (Artificial Inteligence), math/scientific calculators, and, of course, games. However, there are also function specific computers. Actual terminals use languages, but such computers as digital clocks and calculators can be programed only with binary chips. As these computers lack the ability to give any kind of graphical interface, it can take a lot longer to get that programing method down. Chip design has been perfected, but it still takes a certain amount of trial and error to create a working binary chip that will complete a specific function. Digital clocks, especially alarm clocks, have a rather extensive set of binary chips, as they need to hold many different varibales and apply them to use. Calculators have it easier, at least the simple ones (+-/*) do.

Hence the need for computer languages. I hope this was informative

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