The thing about throwing parties

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Women. You can't live with them, but if you don't invite them to your party there is really no reason at all to have one in the first place. There are a million reasons to throw a party-- birthdays, graduations, Saturday... but in the end it all comes down to one reason--I want to invite women over to my house without sounding like a complete loser. Free alcohol is a much better invitation than a studying, and who really cares if you flunk the test, it won't matter in three years anyway. The normal grocery list for a well-crafted party usually consists of:
1) Beer
2) Cups for beer
3) Vodka--to mix with beer and red stuff for punch
4) Women
Once these basic items have been procured, throw open the doors, turn on the tunes and get out of the way. Usually the women will have other guys tagging behind, so that the party isn't entirely female(although, personally I can't seem to think of a reason why that wouldn't be good...). Start the flow of alcohol and even the least social person can wind up having a good time. The key, though, is to *remember* that you had a good time. A good suggestion is to take pictures and hope that the really crazy ones can at least be explained by one of your guests.
A few minor altercations can't be avoided, but by the time things really get going, nothing is going to stop you from having a good time. The normal party crowd can be expected to last until the wee hours of the night, or at least until the effects of the alcohol start to wear off. By this time all you can think about is passing out anyway. As for the next day... well, we can leave that one for another entry, alright?

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