Earth Comedy (See Also: Comedians, Jokes, Cartoons, Asparagus)

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Comedy, well, comedy is something that makes you laugh. It coul be anything. It could be a joke, it could a wierd drawing, it could be a cardboard box for all I know. Comedy is different to every single different being in the universe. How ever, in this entry I will talk about the comedy of Earth, certainly some of the wierdest comedy ever known.

All of earth comedy seems to have evolved from custard pies. Presumably this was brought about by a baker in need of a bit of extra dough (See: Puns and Bad Jokes) and decided to hit somebody with a pie. This seemed to work and many many pies were made expressly for the purpose of humour. In the year 1930 somebody suggested they eat the pies instead of throwing them at people and some other form of humour had to be found.

Slapstick humour was invented, and thrived for many years until it culminated with Australia's Funniest Home Video Show. This form of humour revolves around somebody falling off a bridge and somebody else thinking it was funny, presumably because he owed the person some money. This is an obvious descendant to the Custard Pie Gag.
A comedian named John English was able to cause many people to fall into fits of hysterical laughter by running into a room and falling over. This does not demonstrate the stupidity of the comedian, but the stupidity of the people watching.

To Be Continued...

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