Post Quiz: Christmas Carol Mashup

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Okay, you h2g2ers: by the numbers, be jolly!

The Post Quiz: Christmas Carol Mashup

This quiz is so evil, we almost want to blame it on Icy North. (He'll claim he'd have made it harder.)

Each line contains words from two Christmas songs, all mixed up. Sort them out, and name the songs. Bluebottle, of course, is also required to tell us which ones were Top Forty hits in the UK, and in what year, and who recorded them. The rest of y'uns can just guess the songs.

  1. Who is he, with yonder Christmas of his white dwelling? You'll be doin' all right, with your peasant, where and what?
  2. In the drunk tank, join the triumph of the skies…
  3. Hurry! The baby awakes tonight, the cattle are lowing down the chimney.
  4. Won't you guide my sleigh, tidings of comfort and joy, tonight?
  5. Turelurelu, caput apri defero…
  6. How lovely! Light me up thy branches are, put me on top!
  7. Tiny tots with their eyes all aglow, as red as any blood…
  8. Bells on bobtail dancin' and prancin' ring in the frosty air.
  9. Round yon virgin mother and child, we smurf you a merry Christmas!
  10. Angels bending near the earth fill me with desire.

Doesn't sound like the holiday singing you remember? Click the picture for assistance.

Christmas carol singers
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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