The Post Quiz: Scotland in Lyrics

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Celebrate the bonny land to the north in song.

The Post Quiz: Scotland in Lyrics

The St Andrew's Cross, adopted as the flag of Scotland from the 16th Century, on its side

As of this writing, we don't know how they'll vote, those Scots. But let's take a moment to celebrate the musical contribution of the Highlands, islands, and Lowlands. Each lyric contains a geographical location in Scotland. Complete the lyric from your vast musical knowledge.

Fill in the blanks.

  1. Past painted deserts the sunset's on fire

    As he carries me home to the_____________.
  2. Fir me an' my true love will ne'er meet again

    On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' ______________.
  3. Well, I just come down from the _____________

    I'm not very big and I'm awfully shy…
  4. Flow gently, sweet ________, amang thy green braes,

    Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise…
  5. _________ is bonny, and there lives my love,

    My heart it lies on him and cannot remove…
  6. She hasnae got nae culture, she drives me roon' the bend

    Sittin' in her big armchair readin' the People's Friend

    Her lapels are full of badges frae Butlins down at _____

    And she goes to the bingo every night with the curlers in her hair.
  7. The Campbells are coming,

    To bonny ____________...
  8. There once was a troop of Irish dragoons

    Came marching down through _______-E-O…
  9. Oh I was born in _______

    Near the centre of the town.

    I would take you there and show you

    But they've torn the building down…
  10. Let me tell you that I love you

    And I think about you all the time

    ___________, you're calling, now I'm going home…

You knew them all, right? Answers on the tip of your tongue? If you weren't sure, click the pic.

The Queen Mother at a window being serenaded by a bagpipes player
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