Freebie Film Tip #22: Naughty Soundies

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Freebie Film Tip #22: Naughty Soundies

A film projector and a screen

Here are some naughty soundies:

What were soundies? Three-minute music videos in the 1940s. You put a coin in the jukebox and you watched them. They were filmed 'backwards' and projected from the back of the box. Read about them here.

Not all of them were naughty, but hey, you have to keep the buying public interested. Which leads us to burlesque. Burlesque also benefitted from this technology.

A stripper

A pole dancer

Okay, all of this is tame in the internet age. But it's fun to see what turned them on, back in the days when Betty Grable was a pin-up girl.

PS You want a more modern take on this sort of activity? Watch this episode of Stephen Colbert's 'Difference Makers'. Here, Colbert takes up the case of Stephen Dick, who campaigned for a tax break for his exotic dance club in Albany, New York. After all, it's an art form, and therefore not taxable, according to Dick1.

It's art. Not a kitchen utensil.

Freebie Film Tips Archive
1The court did not agree.

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