The Kennedy Assassination - an Introduction

2 Conversations


On 22nd November 1963, President John F Kennedy of the USA was shot to death in Dallas, Texas whilst travelling in an open-topped limo. Governor John Connally, travelling with the President, was wounded. A man called Lee Harvey Oswald was subsequently arrested for the crime, but was later shot and killed while being transferred between jails. Oswald was held to have shot the President from a window of the nearby Texas Schools Book Depository.

Most people are vaguely aware of these facts, and of the myriad conspiracy theories that have sprung up. The CIA, the Mafia, the Cubans... all have been accused at some time or other. But why? Why all these theories? Are they simple paranoid delusions, or indicators of something more sinister? This project will seek to present some of the masses of evidence available and illustrate just how complex this most famous of murders has become, and demonstrate that the conspiracy theorists have, at least, some interesting questions.

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