First Draft - "Commandments" for GAs

2 Conversations

Greetings, all GAs,

Here is a first draft of a set of "Commandments" which would explain to all GAs what they can do as part of the GA group and the wider h2g2 community. They are posted here so that all current GAs can review them, and have input into them. You can comment on them in any of several ways - use whichever method you're comfortable with. You can:

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All your comments will be considered before the Commandments are released. When they are released, this draft page will be deleted.

The suggested format is as follows:

First: just the Ten Commandments - the fun entry. This would have a link to:

Second: some more detailed guidelines on how to use the Commandments - for GAs when they're ready to read a bit more about things.

OK - here it is - for your comments:


Transcribed from the carefully-guarded stone tablets borne down from the great mountain, the Ten Commandments for Guardian Angels are:

1. Be helpful unto others.

2. Be straight with thine answers.

3. Be froody ... but not too froody, because not everyone has read all the books!

4. Give all they kindest links unto the newbies.

5. Give not any dodgy links unto newbies. If thou hast doubts about a link, give it not!

6. Perform thou no fly-bys.

7. If thou dost not know - do not fake it!

8. Thou shalt have fun.

9. If thou ever questions thy purpose in this great universe, refer to Commandment number 8.

?? Has anyone seen that last stone tablet? I can't find it anywhere! Never mind... erm... DONT PANIC!!!!

Yea verily, generation upon generation of Angels have pondered on these Commandments.Their thoughts, collected to help all Guardian Angels in their work, can be seen at XXXXXX



The GA group exists in order to:

- welcome new members to the h2g2 community;

- assist new h2g2 members to find their way around, and to use the resources available to them (in a way which complements the services provided by ACEs);

- provide ongoing support to any h2g2 members who request it;

- provide an environment which supports GAs in their activities, and in which GAs can socialise.

The GA group wish to achieve all these things in ways which add to everyone's enjoyment of h2g2, and without causing offence or hurt to anyone. In order to fulfil this mission, we have provided some notes for GAs. Anyone wishing to join the GAs should study these notesand agree to abide by their spirit.

Notes on the Commandments:

1. Be helpful unto others. Be a polite, kind and patient friend to each newbie you greet. Remember what it was like when you first logged on? Unfamiliar, a little bit scary, but exciting ...

2. Be straight with thine answers. Answer every question sincerely. Newbies haven't yet learned everything that you have about h2g2. There is no such thing as a stupid question.

3. Be froody ... but not too froody, because not everyone has read all the books! Remember that we're an unofficial community-led group. The service we can provide is different to the one provided by the ACEs. GAs and ACEs are not in competition - each group offers different things.

4. Give all they kindest links unto the newbies. Try to provide helpful hints and links as part of your greeting. If you're not sure how to word a greeting, look at some examples on: (URL - page of good example greetings)

5. Give not any dodgy links unto newbies. If thou hast doubts about a link, give it not! Inappropriate links are not acceptable. Don't post any extreme or adult links in your greetings- you never know who's a 13 year old girl who likes Daphne and Celeste, and who's a 27 year old who would enjoy Mina's Dungeon. Although we do know they share an enjoyment of torture...

6. Perform thou no fly-bys. Try to foster friendships with the
newbies you greet, and be there to help them for as long as they need you... and don't be
disappointed if they never speak to you again, they are on their way!

7. If thou dost not know - do not fake it! If someone asks you a question, and you don't know the answer, consult one of the Gurus in the Feedback Forum, or ask other Angels. That way you will be able to find and pass on good information. Also - tell them how you found the info. - then they can become independent.

8. Thou shalt have fun. Parties are good! Also, join in some of the "Heaven" conversations; join the Angels' e-group; get to know your fellow angels ... and have a good time.

9. If thou ever questions thy purpose in this great universe, refer to Commandment number 8.

...and by the way, the Archs are just Angels too!!! They can always do with a bit of help. Suggestions, ideas and contributions will help make Heaven a place you want to be.

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