route to happiness

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I almost never wish to be alone, or to prove myself that I can be alone. I never want to be alone. I know everything about life, I know one day I have to die. So does everyone. But what am I born here for? My answer would be "To experience the greatness of God in every thing that I see and feel on earth". This means experiencing the friendship and love that he has given to us as most valuable gifts. I would never let go of a chance to experience the friendship and love which I consider the most valuable things given to us by God. I am most eager to experience these things :o) Do I make any sense? I hope I do.
I have been feeling very good today, or very positive. I had been thinking about life for a few days now. I have gone through the most depressing stage and came out of it now. When I was depressed my life seemed grim and full of sadness. Now I see that the most important thing in life is to live a normal life. A person can be happy only if he takes pride in what he is and not be depressed for not being someone who he is not. I have vowed to myself that I would never be depressed about anything in life. I know that life has a definite limit for everyone. What I cannot do is live forever. And I know that what I cannot do no one can do :o) But I can do what anyone else can do :o) What I need is nothing, and what I have is plenty.
I am so excited thinking about the challenging life ahead of me. I dont know how many years I am going to live, but I know that I am going to be happy as long as I am alive. --Balaji

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