The India Food House; Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

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Be Prepared to be transported to India!

The Atmosphere

Suni the goldfish presides over this elegantly decorated little nook of North Indian culture located at 217 Hunter St. West, right across from the The Only CafeX. This little oasis makes you feel like you have stepped into a little 1950's Food House in BombayX. The pleasant red and yellow walls and fixtures are complemented with authentic Indian statuary and tasteful asian and local art.

The owner Paul can usually be found at the table near the kitchen marking papers or consoling students with late papers1.

The Food

Don't come here expecting phoney-baloney americanised cream and fat concoctions that pepper 'modern' 'western' Indian restaurants; there is nothing here but the genuine article -- prepared fresh and to whatever degree of spiciness you desire. Of special note is their Butter Chicken; their homade yogurt2; and their Aloo Tikies; and their Mango Icecream.

They also offer an extensive selection of vegetarian dishes.

Word to the Wise

If Marisa is working, chances are you wont escape without dessert.

1He is a professor at Trent University.2The hallmark of any good Indian Restaurant

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