Restaurants in Nairobi - CAC C

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When you go on holiday to Kenya, one of the things you might want to do when you have seen all the animals in the Game Parks is to try eating them. Each to their own - I'm a vegetarian - but if you want to eat wildebeest, gazelle, zebra, hippo, crocodile, ostrich, eland, hartebeest, etc., etc., give the Carnivore restaurant a miss (it is full of tourists crammed in like battery hens) and try the Safari Park Hotel on the Thika Road. There's more atmosphere, a better choice for vegetarians, a disco, and a very good cabaret, it's cheaper, AND it's where the locals go ! - Need I say more ?

Just one tip, though - always eat game meat well done, as you can pick up all sorts of nasty things the vaccinations won't cover from eating it underdone ...

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