Phantom 309

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Keel Laid: Febuary 24, 2067
Length: 333.76 meters
Wieght: 5.5 million tons
Propulsion System: Two Cold Fusion Nuclear Power Plants
Spacecraft: 65
Cost: $100 Billion
Crew: Ships Company - 3,200; Space Wing - 2,400
Service Life: 50 years
Homeport: Anytown, USA

Crew Berthings

Captain's Quarters- Private Stateroom
Executive Officer- Private Stateroom
Officer- Two man Staterooms
N.C.O.- 15 man open-bay berthing
Enlisted- 100 man open-bay berthings
Guest Quarters- 15 man open-bay berthing

Crew Galley

Officers Mess
N.C.O. Mess (Goat Locker)
Enlisted- Forward and Aft Mess Decks 2nd Deck

The Crew

Comprised of the roughest toughest SOBs in the known universe. The Officers are a bit on the "by the book" side as they should be.
The enlisted crew, on duty, are hard wroking, full of pride and ready to die for you cause (at the right price). Off duty, mothers hide your daughters and fellas keep your wife at home, they are the most deranged and depraved animalistic, womanizing, foul mouthed, hard drinking, pieces of rubbish that ever evolved to wear digital watches.

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