puerto rico: an introduction

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This small island located in the caribbean is populated by an incredible amount of paranoid people. Geographically it is the smallest of the Big Antilles ( Cuba, Santo Domingo, Jamaica) and it can be argued that it is the bigger of the smallest ones ( St. Thomas, St. Barth's, St. John, etc). This is the first shot in the confussion that plagues all puertorrican's. The island is about a 100 miles long by thirty six miles wide in a somewhat rectangular shape. It has two municipalities on neighbor islands and has impressive rainforests

It's population is about 3.5 million with 1/3 of those living in the metropolitan area; meaning the area around and in the capital city San Juan. There are four major cities located conveniently on the four sides of the Island. North we can find San Juan, to the south we have Ponce, east Fajardo and west Mayaguez.

PR is best known for its rum, its coffee, its boxers(Tito Trinidad kicked de la Hoyas but), its baseball players (Roberto Clemente, Igor Gonzalez, Bernie Williams) and at the time of this writting by Ricky Martin. Also by being appropiatedly located in the Caribbean it is one of the major stops for cruiseliners and has very beautifull beaches that tourist are not able to find. The weather occilates from abot 60 (at the coldest) to about 100 (at the hottest) mostly it ranges between 75-90 degrees farenheit.

The old city, San Juan, it is one of the best examples of spanish colonial architecture and compares very favorably with Santo Domingo and Habana, Cuba. In old San Juan you can find te biggest building built by the spaniards in the new world, called Ballajá near to the spanish fort of el Morro an impressive fortress.

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