Converting from Plain Text to GuideML

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To convert an existing entry or user page to GuideML, first click "Edit Entry" or "Edit this entry" as usual. After this, scroll down to where the options "Plain text" and "GuideML" appear. Select "GuideML" then click "Change Style". The page will reload and four tags will be added to the entry: <GUIDE> and <BODY> will be added to the beginning of the entry; </BODY> and </GUIDE> will be added to the end of the entry.


Plain Text

In plain text entries, a link can be formed to Askh2g2, for example, in two different ways:

Additionally, the following links could be used:

  • A link to an h2g2 article, such as A187229, could be created by typing A187229. This would create A187229.

  • A link to a researcher's personal space, such as U123456, could be created by typing U123456. This would create U123456.


In GuideML entries, links can be created in three main ways.

  • A link to an external site, such as Google, would be created using <LINK HREF="">Google</LINK>. This would create this link: Google.

  • A link to an h2g2 article can be added using <LINK H2G2="A187229">GuideML Clinic</LINK>. This would create this link: GuideML Clinic.

  • To link to a person's personal space on h2g2, use <LINK BIO="U123456">Researcher 123456</LINK> to link to the person whose personal space is at U123456. This will create this link: Researcher 123456. It is also possible to have the researcher's current nickname always used in the link to their personal space. This can be done using <LINK BIO="U123456"/>, which will create a link to Researcher 123456's space and the link text will automatically change to be their current nickname.


Plain Text

Smileys in plain text entries are inserted by typing, for example, <biggrin> or :-D to create smiley - biggrin.


In GuideML entries, smileys can only be inserted using, for example, <SMILEY TYPE="biggrin"/>. This has the same effect and produces smiley - biggrin.

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