Blues Harmonica Dos and Don'ts Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

Blues Harmonica Dos and Don'ts

5 Conversations

Now that you've learned a bit about How to play the harmonica, there are some things you need to know about using Harmonicas to play the blues. Here goes...

  • Don't play over the vocals.

  • Do try to echo the vocalist at the end of a line.

  • Don't play over other people's solos.

  • Do vamp along during others' solos - use a very short repetitive riff (even a single note) and play quietly and sparsely.

  • Don't try to play all the time - pick your places.

  • Don't soak your harps in water or anything else - it does not help the sound, it just makes the comb swell until you feel like you're playing on a saw blade.

  • Don't play after eating crackers, potato chips, peanuts or anything else likely to get stuck in your harp.

  • Don't use other people's harp or share yours with friends. People are going to have their tongues on there and so are you.

  • Do keep your harps in their cases or in some kind of container that keeps them free of dust and dirt that can (and will) clog the reeds.

  • Do paint the key on the ends and tops of your harps in contrasting paint, liquid paper or nail polish so that you can immediately identify the key.

  • Do make sure you know the key and have the proper harp before you blow a note. If you aren't sure what key the song is in ask the guitarist, bass or piano player. Don't guess.

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