Gay Marriage! (CAC Edition)

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A 'Creative Living Spirit' Message:

Basing on the ruling of the honorable court on gay marriage as legal, the 'LESBIANS' too may have their marriages legalised sooner or latter.

In such situation what a family, communal, social, national and international status such individuals or their couples may be having in our world stage!

Thats obviously a serious concern for the generations which needs great consideration before time in the term of their socio-economical and political stand for future.

Gay marriage either may have advantages or disadvantages for themselves or the state where it has been legalised, a deeper consideration needs on that about their status in the society because other states or countries of the world may undergo the same nature of legalising matters on this honorable court's ruling reference.

There are some unrecognised activities known as illegal officially, socially, religiously, nationally or internationally e.g.lesbianism may have their ground too to have their being as legalised likewise 'gay marriage' has been legalised.

In such circumstances, the gay people or their similar ones may face more complications in society than a number of those they have been experiencing since long. And for that what cautionary steps in advance may be expected from the authority concerns of them?

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