Sunriser - An introduction

Hello, I am Sunriser, real name Steven, 14 years old, from the UK - Cornwall to be exact. I have just started my GCSEs, and at the moment the work is not too difficult. I am a regular user of the internet, relatively new to H2G2, but I think it is probably one of the best sites on the net.

More about me? What would u like to know? Well, I am really into music - Favourite style (at the moment) is Jazz, Big Band and Fusion. I really will listen to anything so long as it doesn't sound like total rubbish (but I don't mind garbage:-)) ! I play 4 musical instruments.....

Flute - 9 years (since 5)
Piccolo - 2 years (since I got the piccolo)
Piano - 8 or 9 months (recently)
Guitar - 4 or 5 months (even more recently)

I would also like to learn the saxophone, as I love the sound of it a lot - Especially the baritone sax. Well, other hobbies include......

cycling...the internet...IT in general...Um....there are more, but I can't think of them because it is late.

I really can't think of much more to write, but I will think of something, and update this intro soon.....If you have any questions, I would be glad to answer them.....Thanks you for reading this...

Steven (a.k.a. Sunriser)


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