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I've always had this little thought that runs by the front of my mind quickly, then leaves. It lives in the darkest corner of the back of my mind.
It always shows itself at the weirdest times, with no prompting. "What if my life is part of someone else's dream?" Or, "What if my life is really part of
some movie or boring computer simulation. Like Virtual Reality or something? What if I'm really dreaming and one day just as life gets good,
I'll wake up and realize I'm broke and living in a cardboard box in the darkest corner in the back of some alley? What if I'm really In a virtual reality
program, and in real life I'm hooked up to some machine with tubes and wires hooked up all over my body, lying in some tube or small bed in some
Government laboratory. My every move being watched by Big Brother. Invisible agents walking all around me. Documenting my every move.
Reading my every thought. Feeling every emotion I feel." Then I shudder, and the thought is gone. And I am left with no answer. Nothing to ease my mind.
So I go about my daily routine watching all around me, looking for the slightest defect, the littlest thing different that proves that I was right. Of course then what?
If this is all just a dream, or a VR Program, how do we end it? How do we wake up? And if we could, would we really want to? Would we really want to see what
real life is like? Hmm.... Think about it. Until then, I'm going back to sleep.

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